ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Charge (youth)

Charge is a fancy word that grown-ups use to talk about how much electricity is in something. You know how when you play with your toys and you rub them on your hair, they sometimes stick a little bit? That's because your hair gives some electricity to the toy and it becomes charged!

Everything in the world has a charge, like your hair and your toys. Sometimes, things with opposite charges (one negative and the other positive) can stick together, and things with the same charges (both positive or both negative) will push away from each other. It's like how magnets work!

Charging things can also be useful for grown-ups. They use it to power their phones, computers, and other things. They can store electricity in batteries or plug things into walls to get electricity from there. It's important to be careful when working with electricity though, because too much of it can hurt you!

So, in short, charge is just a word used to describe how much electricity something has. It can make things stick together or push them apart, and grown-ups use it to power things like phones and computers.
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