ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so imagine you're playing a game like chess with your friend. You both have your own pieces and you're trying to win.

Now, imagine if your friend wasn't just your friend, but also a much bigger, stronger kid who could easily beat you up if you didn't do what they said.

If this were the case, you might say to your friend, "I'll do whatever you want me to do! Just don't hurt me!"

That's kind of like what a vassal is. A vassal is someone who is usually weaker or smaller than another person, and they agree to do whatever that stronger person says in order to stay safe.

In the past, people would sometimes become vassals to more powerful kings or lords. They would promise to serve and obey that king or lord, and in return they would be protected and given land or money.

So imagine if you were a vassal to your friend in your game of chess. You might promise to always let them go first, or always let them win, in order to keep them happy and not get hurt.

That's kind of what it was like to be a vassal. You didn't have as much power or control as the person you were serving, but you were protected and given some benefits in return.