ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chebyshev distance

Chebyshev distance is a way of measuring how far apart two points are. It measures the difference between two points like a ruler measures straight-line distance, but it ignores the direction of the line. That means even if the two points are very far apart in a straight line, it might report that they are close together if the points are close together in terms of 'up and down' or 'left and right' distances. To measure the Chebyshev distance between two points, you look at the difference between each of the points' coordinates. For example, if the coordinates of one point are (2, 3) and the coordinates of the other point are (5, 6), then the Chebyshev distance between them would be 3, because the differences in the x-coordinates (2 and 5) and the y-coordinates (3 and 6) are both 3.
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