ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Check (finance)

A check is a piece of paper that represents money. It's like a note that says, "I promise to give you this amount of money." When you write a check, you have to fill it out with specific information, like the person or company you want to give the money to, the amount of money you want to give, and the date you want the money to come out of your bank account.

When the person or company receives the check, they take it to their bank and deposit it. Then the bank checks to see if there's enough money in your account to cover the amount on the check. If there is, the bank takes the money out of your account and gives it to the person or company you wrote the check to. If there's not enough money, the bank won't give the money to the person or company and it's called "bouncing" a check.

It's important to keep track of how much money you have in your account so you don't accidentally write a check for more than you have. And always make sure to write the check out clearly so the bank knows who to give the money to and for how much.