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Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy

The Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) is a way for police officers in Chicago to work together with the community to make their neighborhoods safer. It's like when you and your friends work together to clean up your play area or share your toys.

To understand how CAPS works, it's important to know that police officers have a very important job. Their job is to protect people and make sure everyone feels safe. But sometimes, police officers might not know everything that is happening in a neighborhood, or they might not know what problems are most important to the people who live there.

That's where CAPS comes in. It helps the police and the people in the neighborhood to talk to each other and work together. This helps the police officers understand what the people in the community need and how they can help. It also helps the people in the community feel more comfortable talking to the police officers and sharing their concerns.

To make this happen, CAPS divides neighborhoods into smaller areas called beats. Each beat has its own police officer, called a Beat Officer, who is responsible for getting to know the people who live in that area. The Beat Officer visits schools, businesses, and community events to meet with the people and hear their concerns.

The Beat Officer holds meetings, called Beat Meetings, where people in the community can come together and talk about the problems they see in their area. This is a bit like when you and your friends have a meeting to decide what games to play or to talk about any problems you might be having. People can share their ideas and the Beat Officer listens, takes notes, and tries to find solutions.

Once the Beat Officer knows what the problems are, they work together with the people in the community to come up with a plan to solve them. This plan could include things like having more police patrols in certain areas, organizing community events to bring people together, or even helping people with things like finding jobs or getting support for their children.

CAPS also encourages people to form groups, called Block Clubs, where neighbors get to know each other and work together to keep their streets safe. This is like when you have a group of friends who live close to each other and you all look out for each other.

Through CAPS, the police officers and the community build a partnership and trust each other. This helps the police officers do their job better and it makes the community feel safer because they know the police officers are there to help them.

So, the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) is all about police officers and community members working together like a team. The police officers talk to people in the community, listen to their problems, and come up with plans to make the neighborhood safer. It helps everyone feel more comfortable and trust each other so that they can all work towards the goal of a safer and happier community.