ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chiefdom of Yongning

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago there was a place called the Chiefdom of Yongning. It was a group of people who lived in a certain area together and had a leader who was called a chief. The Chiefdom of Yongning was located in what we now call China.

The chief was in charge of making sure everyone was safe and happy in the Chiefdom. They would often have meetings with other chiefs to talk about important things like trading and making new friends.

The people who lived in the Chiefdom of Yongning mostly farmed and traded goods with other nearby groups. They also had their own language and culture that made them unique.

But the Chiefdom of Yongning isn't around anymore, because over time things can change and people can move away or other people might take over. However, we can still learn about the Chiefdom of Yongning and the people who lived there by studying history and artifacts that they left behind.