ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese kinship

Chinese kinship refers to the way that people in Chinese society refer to and relate to their family members. In China, it is important to understand how each family member is related to you, as this determines how you treat them and what kind of respect you show them.

The most important family member in Chinese kinship is the mother. This is because, traditionally, the mother is responsible for the care and upbringing of the children. The father is also important, but in some families, his role may be less involved than the mother's.

In Chinese kinship, there are different names for each type of family member. For example, the word for mother is "mama," while the word for grandfather is "yeye." This helps to distinguish between different generations and types of relations within the family.

Another important aspect of Chinese kinship is that the family is seen as a unit, rather than a group of individuals. This means that decisions are often made with the family's best interests in mind, rather than just the individual's needs.

Overall, Chinese kinship is a complex system that helps to define relationships and responsibilities within a family. It is an important part of Chinese culture and continues to influence the way that families interact with each other today.