ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Patrilineality means that your family line is traced through your father's side of the family. Imagine your family as a tree with many branches. The trunk of the tree is your father's side of the family, and all the branches, leaves, and fruit are connected to that trunk.

So, if your dad's dad had a dad, and he had a dad before him, and so on, that line of dads becomes your patrilineal line. This means that your family name, traditions, and inheritance all come from this line of dads.

Patrilineality has been around for a long time, and many cultures and societies still use it today. It can also be seen in the way last names are passed down from generation to generation, typically through the male side of the family.

Overall, patrilineality simply means that your dad's side of the family is very important in defining who you are and where you come from.