ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese surname

A Chinese surname is like your family name or your last name. It tells people what family you belong to. In Chinese culture, surnames are very important because they show respect for our ancestors and our family history.

In China, there are lots of different surnames, like Wang, Li, Zhang, and Chen. These surnames are used by millions of people! The most popular surname in China is, in fact, Wang. More than 92 million people have this surname!

Sometimes, people can have two surnames that they use together. This is called a double-barrelled surname, and it usually happens when parents combine their surnames to create a new one for their child.

Chinese surnames are also used to show respect to our elders. For example, if a child meets someone older than them, they would call them "Uncle" or "Auntie" followed by their surname to show respect.

Although surnames are important in Chinese culture, it's important to remember that our surname doesn't define who we are. We can be proud of our family heritage, but we should also remember to be our own unique person, with our own talents, interests, and personality.