ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese shipping

Shipping means transporting goods from one place to another through big boats or ships. China is a country that produces a lot of things that people all over the world want to buy, like clothes, toys, electronics and machines. Chinese shipping is all about getting these goods to different countries around the world, so people can use or sell them.

Before the goods are shipped, they have to be packed into big, sturdy boxes that are called containers. These containers are then carried onto big cargo ships, which are like huge boats that are made to carry a lot of containers at once. These cargo ships can carry thousands of containers, like big boxes stacked on top of each other.

The cargo ships travel across huge oceans to get to different countries around the world, and the journey can take a long time, sometimes even weeks or months. Once the cargo ship reaches its destination, the containers are unloaded and the goods inside are opened, checked to make sure they are in good condition and then sent to the people who ordered them.

Chinese shipping is important because it helps people all over the world get the things they need or want, and it also helps China make money by exporting a lot of goods to other countries.