ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chola invasion of Srivijaya

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago, there was a place called Srivijaya. It was a really cool kingdom in Southeast Asia that had lots of ships and traded with lots of other countries.

Now, there were some people called the Cholas who lived in India, and they wanted to trade with Srivijaya too. But Srivijaya didn't want to trade with them because they thought the Cholas were mean and aggressive.

The Cholas didn't like being told no, so they decided to invade Srivijaya. They sent their big army of soldiers and ships across the sea to attack.

The people of Srivijaya were scared and tried to fight back, but they weren't as strong as the Cholas. So, in the end, the Cholas took over Srivijaya and ruled it for a while.

It was a sad time for the people of Srivijaya because they lost their independence and had to follow the Cholas' rules. But eventually, other kingdoms in Southeast Asia rose up and defeated the Cholas, and Srivijaya was able to regain its independence again.