Hello there! So, have you ever heard about chrism? No? Let me explain it to you!
Chrism is a special kind of oil used in the Christian Church. It has a really nice smell, like flowers or perfume, and it is used during some important ceremonies, like Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders.
When a baby is baptized, for example, the priest or minister will pour water over the baby's head and then he'll anoint the baby with this special oil, which has been consecrated by a bishop during Holy Week.
The same thing happens during Confirmation, when a person is confirmed in his or her faith. The bishop will put some chrism on the forehead of the person receiving the sacrament, to symbolize that he or she is now a member of the Church.
And finally, during Holy Orders, when a man becomes a priest or a bishop, he is anointed with chrism as well. This time, the bishop will put some oil on his hands, to show that from now on, he can celebrate the sacraments and administer blessings to the faithful.
So, to sum it up: chrism is a special type of oil that smells really nice and is used during some important ceremonies in the Christian Church, like Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders.