ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chronology of Jesus

Okay, so let's talk about Jesus and when he lived a really long time ago. There are four people who wrote books about Jesus and they are called the Gospel writers. These Gospel writers - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - help us understand when Jesus was born, when he started doing miracles, and when he died. They wrote in a book called the Bible.

First, Jesus was born a long, long time ago in Bethlehem. We celebrate his birth at Christmas time. He was born to Mary and Joseph, who were traveling and couldn't find a place to stay, so Jesus was born in a stable where animals lived.

As Jesus grew up, he started preaching and teaching about God to people. He performed miracles to show people that he was the Son of God, such as turning water into wine, healing the sick, and feeding 5,000 people with just a few loaves of bread and fish.

Then, Jesus died on the cross when he was about 33 years old. This was a really sad event, but it was also important because it allowed people to be forgiven for their sins and have eternal life.

Finally, three days after Jesus died, he rose from the dead, what we call Easter. This was a surprising miracle because no one thought it could happen. After that, Jesus was seen by many people before he went back to heaven.

So, that's the chronology of Jesus. He was born, he taught and performed miracles, he died, and he came back to life. His death and resurrection were really important for people's lives because it showed that Jesus was truly the Son of God and that we can have eternal life through him.