ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Church Universal and Triumphant

Okay kiddo, so imagine there are lots of different people in the world who believe in God and want to worship Him. They all might have different ideas about how to do that and what God wants them to do, but they all believe in God.

Now, one group of people who believe in God is called the Church Universal and Triumphant. They're like a big group of friends who all worship God together. They have a leader named Elizabeth Clare Prophet who teaches them about God and how to be good people.

One thing that makes the Church Universal and Triumphant special is that they believe in something called the ascended masters. These are like really important people who lived a long time ago and did great things for God. The Church Universal and Triumphant thinks that these ascended masters can help them in their spiritual journey and provide guidance.

The Church Universal and Triumphant also believes in something called the violet flame. This is like a special kind of prayer that they say to God to help them get rid of bad stuff in their lives and become better people. They believe that saying these prayers can help them become more spiritual and closer to God.

So that's the Church Universal and Triumphant in a nutshell, kiddo. They're a group of people who believe in God, follow Elizabeth Clare Prophet as their leader, believe in ascended masters and the violet flame, and work together to become better people.