ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Church bell

A church bell is a big metal thing that hangs up in a tall tower that belongs to a church or a cathedral. It's usually made of iron, bronze or brass and it makes a really loud ringing noise when it's struck or hit with a special hammer called a clapper.

The bell is made up of two main parts: the body and the clapper. The body is the big, round, bell-shaped part that you see, and the clapper is the metal hammer that swings back and forth inside the bell to create the ringing sound.

The bell is usually rung by a person who pulls on a rope attached to the clapper. When they pull the rope down, the clapper swings forward and hits the inside of the bell, making a loud ringing sound.

Church bells have been used for a really long time, sometimes even hundreds or thousands of years! They are used to call people to worship and prayer, to mark important events like weddings, funerals, or holidays, and to sound alarms for emergencies like fires or danger coming to the community.

When you hear a church bell ringing, it's a special reminder that there is a place of worship nearby, and that you can go there to pray, sing or be with other members of the community. It's an important symbol of togetherness and faith.