ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Church of Norway

Hi there! So, the Church of Norway is basically a big group of people who believe in God and Jesus and go to a special place called a church to pray and worship. They have priests and other leaders who help them understand and follow the teachings of the Bible, which is a book that has stories and lessons about God and how people should live.

The Church of Norway is really important in Norway because it has been around for a long, long time - even before Norway was its own separate country! It used to be closely tied to the government, but now it is more independent and has its own leaders who make decisions for the church.

One of the most important things that the Church of Norway does is help people celebrate big events like weddings, baptisms, and funerals. They also help people who are going through hard times and need support and comfort.

So, to summarize: the Church of Norway is a group of people who believe in God and Jesus, who go to church to worship and learn from the Bible, and who work together to help each other and their community.