ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Circle group

Okay kiddo, imagine you are playing a game of tag with your friends. When you play tag, you move around the playground, running, jumping and trying to touch your friends to tag them. Now, imagine we take away the playground and instead you have a big circle. Like a hoola hoop!

This circle is called the circle group. Instead of playing tag, we use numbers to move around the circle. You start off at the number 0, and you can move around the circle by adding or subtracting a certain number called "modulus". Modulus is just a fancy word for the number of spots you can skip (like playing hopscotch!). For example, if modulus is 5, you can move from 0 to 5, then to 10, then to 15 and so on. But after you reach the end of the circle group (which is called "wrapping around"), you start back at 0 again.

The cool thing about the circle group is that you can do lots of fun math things with it! You can add or subtract numbers, and even multiply or divide! All while moving around the circle group. Plus, it's a super helpful tool for mathematicians when they study patterns and numbers.

So, the circle group is like a special game where you move around a circle using numbers, and it helps people understand and solve math problems. Pretty cool, huh?