ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clarity of Scripture

Clarity of scripture means that the words in the Bible should be easy to understand and interpret by anyone who reads them. It's like a bedtime story that you can understand, with simple language and clear meaning. Just like how we have picture books for kids that have big pictures, easy words, and clear messages, the Bible also has some stories and teachings that are easy to understand.

However, sometimes the Bible can have complex teachings or difficult words that can be hard to understand. It's like trying to read a storybook that has big words you don't know yet, or a confusing plot. In these cases, it's helpful to have someone explain it to you, like a parent or a teacher.

So, when we talk about the clarity of scripture, we mean that the Bible should be simple enough for anyone to understand, but also deep enough to provide guidance and wisdom to people of all ages and backgrounds. It's like a treasure chest full of valuable lessons that can help us live our lives according to God's plan.