ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Class-responsibility-collaboration card

Imagine you have a toy with many different parts, like a dollhouse or a car. You want to make a list of all the things each part can do, and who uses them to do those things.

That's what a class-responsibility-collaboration card is. It's a way to organize information about a complex system (like a toy or a computer program) into manageable pieces.

First, you write down the name of each part of the system (the "class"). So for your toy car, you might have classes like "wheels," "engine," and "steering wheel."

Next, for each class, you write down all the things it can do (its "responsibilities"). So for the wheels, you might write "roll forward and backward," "change direction," and "slow down the car."

Finally, for each responsibility, you write down who else the class needs to work with to accomplish it (the "collaborators"). So for the responsibility "slow down the car," you might write "collaborates with the brakes and the driver."

When you make these cards, you can see how all the different parts of the system work together to make it function. It's like a big puzzle, where each piece has its own job, but they all have to fit together just right to make the whole thing work.