ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clome oven

Hey there kiddo! Today we're going to talk about a special type of oven called a "comb" oven. A comb oven is like a regular oven you might have in your kitchen, except it's much bigger and uses heat in a different way.

You know how when you put a pizza in the oven, the heat comes from the top and bottom and cooks everything evenly? Well, a comb oven is different because it has heat sources all around it! This means that no matter where you put your food in the oven, it will get cooked evenly on all sides.

The reason it's called a comb oven is because the heat sources are shaped like little combs. They're usually made of metal and they stick out from the walls of the oven. When you turn on the oven, these combs get really hot and they radiate heat in all directions.

One of the coolest things about comb ovens is that they can get really hot - up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit! This is perfect for cooking things like pizza or bread because it gives them a nice crispy crust. But it's also really useful for things like roasting meat or vegetables because the high heat helps to sear the outside and keep the inside juicy.

So there you have it, a comb oven is a special type of oven that uses heat sources all around it to cook food evenly on all sides, and it can get really hot to give food a crispy outside and juicy inside. Pretty cool, huh?