ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coal mining

Coal mining is when people go underground to dig for a special type of rock that is black and shiny called coal. Coal is like a type of fuel that people can use to make energy to heat their homes or to make electricity.

The people who work in coal mines must wear special clothes and helmets to keep them safe. They also have to use special machines to dig the coal out of the ground. Sometimes it can be dark and scary down there, but there are lights and ventilation systems to help them breathe and see.

After the coal is dug up, it has to be transported out of the mine so that it can be used. Sometimes people use trains or trucks to move the coal, but other times they use special conveyor belts that can move the coal up and out of the mine by itself!

Coal mining is an important job because it helps make the energy that people need to power their homes and businesses. However, it can be dangerous and it is important for people who work in coal mines to always follow safety rules to stay safe.