ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coastal Forces of the Royal Navy

Okay kiddo, do you know what the Royal Navy is?

Well, it’s like a big group of really brave and cool sailors who protect the United Kingdom and its people by sailing ships around to make sure nobody bad can attack them by sea.

Now, sometimes they need to patrol the waters close to the coast, where the water is not so deep, and big battleships cannot go, and that’s where the Coastal Forces come in.

Coastal Forces are special boats and ships that are smaller than regular navy ships, and they are super fast and very sneaky. They are like ninja boats that can move quickly around the coast and sneak up on the enemy without being seen.

They are also really good at attacking other boats or ships that are trying to attack the UK. They have special weapons on-board like torpedoes, which are like rockets that go underwater and can blow up other boats. They also have guns that can shoot really far and accurately.

The Coastal Forces of the Royal Navy were really important during World War II when Germany was trying to take over the UK. They helped keep the country safe by making sure no enemy boats could sneak up on them.

And that’s basically what the Coastal Forces do- they’re like the superheroes of the sea, making sure the UK is protected from bad guys who might want to come in and cause trouble.