ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coca-Cola treatment of phytobezoars

Okay kiddo, sometimes people can get something called a phytobezoar in their stomach. This is like a ball of undigested food and fibers that can make people feel sick and even stop food from moving through their digestive system.

One way to get rid of a phytobezoar is through a special kind of treatment using Coca-Cola. Yes, the same kind of drink you might have had at a party or with your dinner.

Coca-Cola contains something called phosphoric acid, which helps to break down the food and fibers in the phytobezoar so that it can be digested or passed through the digestive system more easily.

So, the treatment involves drinking a certain amount of Coca-Cola (usually around 1 liter) over a period of several hours, while lying down and not eating anything else. This helps the phosphoric acid get into the stomach and start breaking down the phytobezoar.

After a while, the person might start to feel some stomach discomfort or even need to use the bathroom, but this is normal and means the treatment is working.

It's important to note that this treatment should only be done under the supervision of a doctor or healthcare professional, as there can be risks and side effects if done incorrectly. But for some people with phytobezoars, Coca-Cola treatment can be a helpful way to get rid of this uncomfortable condition.