ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cod as food

Ok, so you know how people like to eat fish, right? Cod is a type of fish that some people like to eat. It's kind of like how some people like to eat apples or bananas, but cod is a fish that comes from the ocean.

To eat cod, people usually first cook it. That means they put it on a heat source like a stove or grill, and the heat makes the fish become safe to eat and also tasty. Sometimes people put things like spices or sauces on the cod to make it extra delicious.

Now, you might be wondering why some people like to eat cod specifically. Well, cod is actually pretty healthy for us humans to eat. It has lots of protein, which helps our muscles grow and stay strong. It also has some vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to be healthy, like vitamin B12 and phosphorus.

One other thing to know about cod is that it used to be very popular as a type of food in the past. People would catch lots of cod in the ocean and sell it in markets all over the world. But over time, people caught so many cod that there weren't as many left in the ocean. This is something that we call overfishing, and it's not good for the environment because it can make some types of fish become endangered.

So while some people still like to eat cod, we also need to be careful not to catch too much of it and to make sure we're not hurting the environment in the process.