ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Code of silence

Alright kiddo, so you know how sometimes when you and your friends play a game, you agree not to tell anyone else about certain things that happen during the game? That's kind of like a "code of silence". It's an agreement between you all to keep some things secret.

Now, grown-ups can have a code of silence too, but it's usually for more serious things. Like if someone sees something bad happen, like a crime, they might not want to tell anyone because they could get in trouble. So they make a promise to keep it a secret, and that's the code of silence.

But here's the thing, little one. Sometimes, that code of silence can be really bad. If people don't speak up about a bad thing that happened, it can keep happening and hurting people. That's why it's important to tell an adult or someone you trust if you see something bad happen, even if you promised to keep it a secret. Because keeping quiet can make things worse.