ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Catholic Archdiocese of Boston sex abuse scandal

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago there were some grown-ups who work for the Catholic church in Boston. They were supposed to take care of kids and help them learn about God, but instead some of these grown-ups did very bad things. They touched the kids in private places, which is not okay at all! This is called "sexual abuse" because it is using your body in a way that is not right and could hurt someone.

Lots of kids were hurt by these bad grown-ups and they felt very sad and scared. They told some other grown-ups what happened, but these other grown-ups didn't do anything to stop the bad behavior. They didn't tell the police or try to punish the bad grown-ups. This was a big problem because it meant that the bad grown-ups kept doing bad things to kids and more kids were hurt.

Finally, some brave people spoke up and told everyone about what was happening. They made a big fuss and demanded that the bad grown-ups be punished and the church be held accountable for not protecting the kids. This is called a "scandal" because it was something very bad that the public found out about and it made people very angry.

Eventually, the church had to admit that they made a big mistake by not stopping the bad grown-ups and they promised to do better in the future. They paid money to some of the kids and their families who were hurt and they made new rules to make sure this would never happen again. It was a difficult and sad time for a lot of people, but it was also a chance for the church to take responsibility for their actions and work to make things right.