ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cognitive behavioral treatment of eating disorders

Hey kiddo! Do you know what eating disorders are? They are when someone has a problem with the way they eat. They might eat too much or too little, or they might worry too much about what they eat.

Now, there are some really nice people called therapists who can help people with eating disorders. One way they can help is called cognitive behavioral treatment.

Cognitive behavioral treatment means that the therapist helps the person with an eating disorder change their thoughts and behaviors about food.

The therapist might ask questions like, "What do you think when you eat?" or "How do you feel after you eat?" This helps the person to think about why they eat the way they do.

The therapist might also teach the person some new ways to think about food. For example, instead of thinking, "I have to eat this because it's healthy," the person might learn to think, "I want to eat this because it makes me feel good."

The therapist might also help the person learn new behaviors around food. For example, if the person always eats in their room alone, the therapist might suggest that they eat with their family or friends.

All of these different things can help the person with an eating disorder feel better about food and their body. It takes time and practice, but with the help of a therapist, they can learn to feel good about the way they eat.