ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cognitive enhancer

A cognitive enhancer is like a special medicine that can help your brain work better. Just like how you might take medicine to help your body feel better or heal, a cognitive enhancer can help your brain feel sharper or more focused.

Sometimes people take cognitive enhancers because they want to do better in school or work. It's like a little boost to help them pay better attention or remember things more easily. But just like with any medicine or supplement, it's important to talk to a doctor or trusted adult before taking a cognitive enhancer.

Some cognitive enhancers are things we find naturally in certain foods, like omega-3 fatty acids in fish or antioxidants in berries. Other cognitive enhancers are man-made and designed specifically to improve cognitive functioning. But no matter where they come from, cognitive enhancers are still a type of medicine and should be used wisely and responsibly.