ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coins of the New Zealand dollar

So just like how you can use coins to buy candy at the store, people in New Zealand use coins to buy things too!

The smallest coin is a 10 cent coin, it is round and has a picture of a kōtare (a bird) on it.

Next up is the 20 cent coin, it is also round but bigger than the 10 cent coin. It has a picture of a tuatara (a lizard) on it.

Then there’s the 50 cent coin, it’s bigger than the 10 or 20 cent coins and has a picture of Captain Cook on it. He was an important explorer in New Zealand’s history.

After that, there’s the $1 coin, it is the same size as the 50 cent coin but has a picture of a kiwi (a national bird of New Zealand) on it.

Finally, there’s the $2 coin, it is the biggest coin and has a picture of the queen on it. She used to be the queen of New Zealand a long time ago.

These coins are all worth different amounts of money and can be used to buy different things, just like how you use different coins to buy different candies!