ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Collaborative law

Collaborative law is like playing a fun game with your friends, except it's for grown-ups and it helps solve problems that are really important.

Here’s how it works:

Imagine that your parents are getting a divorce and they can't seem to agree on how they're going to divide everything they own. They could go to court and let a judge decide for them, but sometimes that can be really stressful and take a long time. Instead, they could try collaborative law.

Collaborative law is when both Mom and Dad hire their own lawyers, who work together to help find a solution that makes everyone happy. They all sit down at a big table and talk through things like who gets the house and how they're going to divide their money. Everyone listens to each other and they work together to find the best solutions for everyone involved.

The lawyers explain things to your parents in a way that they can both understand and make sure everyone is on the same page. This way, everyone can come up with a plan that works for the whole family, and no one feels left out or unhappy.

Basically, collaborative law lets people solve their problems without fighting or going to court. It's like a grown-up game where everyone works together and the whole family wins!