ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago, there was a place called Nigeria, and some people from a country far away called Great Britain came and decided they wanted to take control of Nigeria. They did this by setting up something called a colony.

A colony is like a big piece of land owned by another country, and the people who live there have to follow the rules of the country who owns the land. So when Great Britain set up the colony of Nigeria, they were in charge of everything that happened there.

Later on, Great Britain decided they wanted to have more control over Nigeria, so they changed it to a protectorate. A protectorate is kind of like a colony but it means that the country in charge helps to protect the people who live there, but they still have to follow the rules of the country in charge.

So, Nigeria became a protectorate of Great Britain, which meant that Great Britain was trying to help protect the people who lived there, but they were still in charge of what happened in Nigeria. It wasn't until many years later that Nigeria became independent and had their own government again, but that's a story for another day!