ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Column (database)

Have you ever heard of a library with lots of books on shelves? Imagine that each shelf is like a table in a database, and each book is like a row in that table. But what about the information inside each book? That's where columns come in.

Imagine that you're looking at a book about different kinds of fruit. Inside the book, you might find information like the fruit's name, its color, and its taste. In a database, each of these pieces of information would be stored in a column.

So let's say we have a table called "Fruit" in our database. The columns in this table might include things like "Name," "Color," and "Taste." Each row in the table would represent a different type of fruit, like "Apple" or "Banana," and the information about that fruit would be stored in the corresponding columns.

Columns are important because they allow us to organize and sort through large amounts of data quickly and easily. So the next time you see a library or a bookshelf, remember that columns are like the pieces of information inside each book, helping us to keep track of all the different things in our database.