ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Committee on the Administration of Justice

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of a committee? It's like a group of people who work together to do something. The Committee on the Administration of Justice is a special committee in Northern Ireland that does something very important.

This committee is made up of people who want to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and given a fair trial. They work to make sure that the justice system in Northern Ireland is fair and just for everyone, no matter who they are.

The committee looks at the laws and rules that are used in the justice system and make sure that they are fair and don't discriminate against anyone. They also look at how the police and other officials do their jobs and make sure that they are doing things the right way and following the rules.

Overall, this committee is like a superhero team for justice in Northern Ireland. They are always watching out for everyone and making sure that things are fair.