ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Communication Accommodation Theory

Communication accommodation theory (CAT) means adjusting the way we talk or act to communicate better with the person we are talking to.

Imagine you and your grandma are trying to have a conversation. Your grandma might talk slower or louder so you can understand her, while you might speak more gently or avoid using big words so she can keep up with you. That's accommodation!

In CAT, people do this in formal or informal settings to connect with others. For example, if a young person is talking to their teacher, they might adjust their behavior to be more respectful and use more formal language. But if they're talking with a friend, they might use more relaxed language and more casual behavior.

This theory was created by Howard Giles and his colleagues, and they suggested that there are two ways accommodation can happen: convergence and divergence.

Convergence means people adjust their behavior to be more similar to the person they’re talking to. For example, if someone has a strong accent, you might start speaking with an accent to better understand them.

Divergence is the opposite, where people adjust their behavior to be different from the person they’re talking to. For example, if you’re talking with someone who’s too aggressive, you might speak more softly or avoid confrontation entirely.

Overall, CAT is about understanding how different people adapt their communication styles, verbal or nonverbal, to connect with others.