ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Communist Party of Slovakia

Okay kiddo, so imagine you and your friends are playing a game and you have to share all your toys equally. This is kind of like what communism is all about - it's a system where everyone in a country shares things like money, food and housing so that nobody is left behind and everyone has what they need.

The Communist Party of Slovakia is a group of people who believe in this idea of communism and work to make it a reality in Slovakia. They try to convince people that everyone should be equal, and that the government should control things like businesses, factories and farms so that everyone benefits from them equally. They also believe in things like social programs to help people who are sick, elderly, or struggling financially.

But not everyone agrees with the Communist Party's ideas, and some people think that everyone should be able to own their own businesses and make their own money. This is called capitalism. So, the Communist Party of Slovakia and those who support them often have debates and disagreements with people who believe in capitalism.

Overall, the Communist Party of Slovakia believes in taking care of everyone in the country and making sure that nobody is left behind. They believe that everyone should work together and share everything equally.