ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia

The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was a group of people who believed in a way of organizing society where everyone worked together and shared everything equally. They believed that everyone deserved equal access to things like food, housing, and education. The party was in charge of the country of Czechoslovakia from 1948 to 1989.

The government under the Communist Party controlled all aspects of life in the country. People were not allowed to freely express their opinions, and the media was controlled by the government. The Party also controlled the economy, which meant that they decided how much things cost and what could be produced.

The Communist Party believed that workers should have more power and control over their jobs, so they created worker councils to give people more say in how their workplaces were run. Additionally, they tried to make sure that everyone had access to things like healthcare and education, regardless of their income.

However, many people did not like living under the Communist Party because they felt like their freedoms were being restricted. Some people tried to protest or speak out against the party, but they were often punished or even put in jail.

Eventually, in 1989, after years of protests and growing unrest, the Communist Party lost its grip on power and the country transitioned to a democratic government.