ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Complex quadratic polynomial

Okay kiddo, so let's imagine we have some numbers that we can put together to make a little math equation. This math equation is called a polynomial.

Now, sometimes we use really big words to describe different kinds of polynomials. One of those big words is "quadratic." A quadratic polynomial is just a fancy way of saying we use some numbers to make an equation where the highest number we use is 2.

But sometimes, when we're making these quadratics, we use some special numbers called "complex numbers." These complex numbers have real parts and imaginary parts. Don't worry too much about what that means, but it basically just means that we're using different kinds of numbers than we usually do in regular math.

So, when we make a "complex quadratic polynomial," we're taking these special numbers and using them to make a math equation where the highest number we use is still 2. It might look a bit weird or complicated, but it's just a fancy way of doing math with some fancy numbers.