ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Composite bow

A composite bow is a special kind of bow that is made up of different materials. Imagine if you wanted to make a bow, but only had some pieces of wood. That's okay, but the bow might not be very strong or bendy. But if you added some other things, like animal sinew (which is like a really strong kind of string) and maybe some glue made from fish or animal bones, then you could make a bow that is much stronger and shoots arrows much farther.

The special thing about a composite bow is that it combines these different materials to make a really powerful weapon. They were used a long time ago in places like Asia and Europe for hunting and fighting. They were even used by warriors on horses because they were strong enough to shoot arrows while riding.

So, when you hear the word "composite bow," just remember that it's a special kind of bow that is made up of different materials like wood, sinew, and glue, and it is really strong and powerful!