ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mounted archery

Mounted archery is like playing a game where you ride a horse and shoot targets with a bow and arrow. Here is how it works:

First, you need a horse. A horse is a big animal that gallops and runs very fast. You cannot play mounted archery without a horse.

Next, you need a bow and arrow. A bow is like a big stick that bends. You hold it with your hand and pull a string that is attached to the bow. An arrow is a long stick with a pointy end that you shoot from the bow. It flies through the air like a bird.

Now that you have a horse and a bow and arrow, you can play mounted archery. You ride your horse while holding the bow and arrow. You see a target, which is like a picture or a shape that you have to hit with your arrow. You aim the bow and arrow at the target while your horse is moving. This is tricky because your horse is bouncing up and down while you are trying to shoot the arrow. It's like trying to hit a moving target while you are riding in a bouncy car.

If you hit the target with the arrow, you get a point. The better you aim and shoot, the more points you can get.

Mounted archery is a fun game that challenges your hand-eye coordination and your riding skills. It takes practice to become really good at mounted archery, but with patience and perseverance, you can become an expert archer on horseback.