ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Compound (linguistics)

Have you ever heard the word "butterfly"? It's a compound word made up of two smaller words: "butter" and "fly". Compounds are like puzzles where you put two or more words together to make a new word with a different meaning.

In linguistics, compounds are words that are made by combining two or more words together. These words can be made in different ways. Sometimes, the words are put together without any changes, like "notebook" (which is a combination of "note" and "book"). Other times, one word might change a little to fit with the other word, like "boyfriend" (which is a combination of "boy" and "friend").

Compound words can be found in many different languages, and they often have different meanings depending on the language and the culture. Some languages use compound words more than others, and some languages have rules about how they can be made.

Overall, compounds are a fun and creative way to make new words and express new ideas.