ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Compulsory Fire Service

Imagine that you are playing with a lot of matches and accidentally start a fire in your home. You might feel scared and not know what to do. But luckily, there are special people called firefighters who know exactly how to put out fires and keep people safe.

Compulsory fire service means that every city or town has its own team of firefighters who are required to respond to emergencies and put out fires, whether it’s a small kitchen fire or a large building burning. These firefighters usually work for the government, and they are trained and equipped to handle all kinds of fire-related situations.

Everyone pays a small fee called a tax to support the fire service, just like paying to have garbage collected or roads fixed. This money helps cover the cost of the firefighters’ training, equipment, and salaries.

The fire service is an important and necessary part of any community, just like doctors and police officers. It’s comforting to know that if there is ever a fire, there are trained professionals who are ready to help keep us safe.