ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Computer lab

A computer lab is like a special room filled with lots of computers that you can use to do different things on. Imagine it like a big playroom with lots of toys, but instead of toys, there are computers.

In the computer lab, there is a big teacher computer that the grown-ups in charge can use to control what everyone else is doing. They can make sure that everyone is safe and not doing anything they shouldn't be doing on the computers. It's like when your mommy or daddy watches you play with your toys to make sure you don't hurt yourself or break anything.

You get your own computer to sit at, and it has a screen where pictures and words show up, kind of like a big TV. You can use the keyboard and mouse to do different things on the computer, like play games, draw pictures, or type up a story. It's kind of like a tool that helps you do all kinds of things, like a hammer or a screwdriver.

There are usually other kids around too, all using their own computers to do different things. Sometimes you get to work with other kids and share your ideas on the computer. Just like when you share your toys with your friends, you can share your computer with your friends in the computer lab.

When it's time to leave the computer lab, you have to make sure you save all your work so you can come back and work on it another day. It's like putting your toys away before you leave the playroom. And just like how you always have to be careful with your toys and not break them, you also have to be careful and not break the computers in the computer lab.

Overall, a computer lab is a fun and special place where you get to use computers to do all kinds of things, with your friends and grown-ups watching over you to make sure you stay safe and have fun!