Hello there! Do you know how sometimes it can be hard to remember all the different things you learn about a topic? Well, that's where concept mapping can help!
Concept mapping is a way to organize information visually. Think of it like making a big picture with different pieces of information.
So, first you start with a main idea, like “animals." Then, you draw lines out from that idea to different subtopics, like “mammals,” “birds,” and “fish.”
Next, you add more lines and bubbles to each subtopic with more specific details. For example, under “mammals,” you could have “dogs,” “cats,” “horses,” and “elephants.” And under “dogs,” you could add “pugs,” “golden retrievers,” and “boxers.”
By creating this visual map of information, it becomes easier to see how everything is connected and remember all the different pieces of information.
So, concept mapping helps us to organize information in a way that makes more sense to our brains, making it easier to learn and remember things.