ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conductance quantum

Imagine that electricity is like water flowing through a pipe. The size of the pipe determines how much water can pass through it, just like the material in a circuit can determine how easily electricity can flow through it.

Conductance is a measure of how well electricity can flow through a material, and it's similar to how easily water can flow through a pipe. The higher the conductance, the easier it is for the electricity to pass through the material.

Now, let's talk about the conductance quantum. This is a very small number that represents the smallest possible amount of conductance that can exist in a material. It's like the smallest possible drop of water that can flow through a pipe.

The conductance quantum is a fundamental constant that helps scientists understand how electricity flows through materials on a very small scale, like at the atomic level. It's a really important concept in physics and helps us design better electrical devices like computers and cell phones!

So, in short, conductance quantum is a tiny number that tells us how easily electricity can flow through a material, and helps scientists understand how electricity works on a very small scale.