ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A confraternity is like a club or group where people get together to do good things like help their community or pray together. It's kind of like being part of a team, but instead of playing a sport or a game, you are working together to make the world a better place.

People usually join a confraternity because they share the same beliefs and values as the other members. They want to help each other grow in their faith or make a difference through their actions, like visiting people who are sick, feeding the hungry or helping those who are in need.

Confraternities can also have rules and rituals that they follow, like having certain prayers or wearing specific clothes. These help create a sense of unity and remind everyone of their common purpose.

Overall, being part of a confraternity is a way to make friends, support each other, and work towards good things in the world together.