ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conjoint analysis

Conjoint analysis is a way to figure out how important different features of a product (or service) are to people. It can help companies decide what to include in their products so that people like them more.

Imagine that you are trying to sell a comic book. A conjoint analysis can help you decide what kinds of things to put in your comic book to make it appealing to people.

In a conjoint analysis, you present people with different combinations of features and ask them to rate each one. For example, you might show someone a comic book with four different covers and ask them which one they like the best. Or you might show someone three different storylines and ask them which one they think is the best.

By collecting this data, you can figure out what features are most important to people when choosing a comic book. For example, if you find that having a cool cover is the most important thing, then you should focus on making sure your comic book cover looks great!

Conjoint analysis can help companies understand what features of their products are the most important to consumers. It can also help them make better decisions about what features to include in their products.