ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conjunction (astronomy)

Hi there! Do you know what a conjunction is in astronomy? It's when two objects in space appear really close to each other. Think of it like when you and your best friend stand really close together to take a picture.

In space, it can be when two planets, like Jupiter and Saturn, appear to be next to each other in the sky. This can happen because of the way their orbits around the sun are lined up.

Conjunctions can also happen between a planet and a star, or even between two stars. It's like when you see two airplanes flying close to each other.

It's important to note that even though objects may look close in the sky, they can still be very far apart in space. So, you can still look up and see Jupiter and Saturn near each other in the sky, but they are actually millions of miles away from each other.

Hope that helps!