ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Syzygy (astronomy)

Syzygy is a big word that astronomers use to describe when three things - the Earth, the Sun, and another planet or the Moon - all line up in a straight line. It's like when you're playing a game of hopscotch and all the stones are in a straight line.

This is a very special event because when these three things line up, something amazing can happen, like an eclipse! An eclipse is when the Moon passes in front of the Sun and it gets dark outside during the day time.

But syzygy doesn't just happen with the Moon and the Sun. It can also happen when two planets line up with the Earth and the Sun. This can create some neat viewing opportunities for astronomers and stargazers alike.

So remember, syzygy is just a fancy word for when three things all line up in a straight line, and it can make some really cool things happen in space!