ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conjunctive adverb

A conjunctive adverb is a type of word that helps connect sentences or ideas together. Imagine you are building a tower of blocks - each block represents a sentence or idea. Sometimes, you need a special block that helps join two other blocks together. That's when you need a conjunctive adverb.

These special blocks have words like "however," "therefore," "meanwhile," or "moreover" written on them. When you place one of these blocks between two other blocks, it helps explain the relationship between them. For example, if you have one block that says "I wanted to go to the park," and another block that says "It was raining outside," you might put a conjunctive adverb block in the middle that says "however." That way, you have a full sentence that says "I wanted to go to the park; however, it was raining outside."

Conjunctive adverbs are helpful because they make your writing sound more interesting and complex. Plus, they help clarify the connections between different ideas in your writing.
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