ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Connected space

A connected space is when all the parts of a space are joined together in a special way, kind of like puzzle pieces fitting snugly together. It's like if you have a big toy castle made up of lots of little pieces. If all the pieces are firmly connected, you can't pull them apart without taking the whole castle apart.

A good way to think about it is that a connected space is like a big playground where all the swings, slides, and monkey bars are connected by sturdy ropes and bars. You can't remove one swing or slide without affecting the rest of the playground. Everything is all tied together, and it's impossible to make a clean break.

Connected spaces are important for a bunch of different things, like geometry, topology, and calculus. They're also useful in figuring out how different parts of a space are related to each other, and how you can move between them. So if you ever see the phrase "connected space," just think of a big playground where everything is connected and you can't pull anything apart without taking it all apart!